
So I got my yearly review last Friday and there were good parts and bad parts. I got the lowest raise of anyone in my group, but the largest raise of most of my friends. I was told that my old group didn’t like me, but they were doing me a favor. Whatever. I still hate my job, but I make a little more money. I think my paychecks will be in the tens of dollars bigger.

So yesterday I heard my neighbor yelling at his kids. I couldn’t tell what he was saying and I know he’s not the kind of guy to be yelling at a 2-year-old girl. Certainly not for a couple of minutes. I finally figured it out when I heard him yelling, “RED LIGHT!” “GREEN LIGHT!” I guess he was just trying to explain the rules of the game. Heh.

2 thoughts on “Hiding.”

  1. you are mean and nasty to your managers and you still got even a small raise so i’d say you are the winner in that situation.

  2. Ha! They’re AFRAID of you! “Last time I pissed Todd off, he called me an experiment in Artificial Stupidity and I cried myself to sleep that night. We’d better give him a raise.” I am so proud.

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