Stupid cold.

All week I’ve been suffering from a weird cold that I can only describe as being a weird cold. It started out with my head being so congested that I couldn’t sleep. When I got home from work on Monday, I slept from 5:30PM until some time the next morning. I got up at my regular time, took a shower, and then decided to go back to bed. Wednesday I was at work late and went out to dinner with some guys traveling on business, who wanted to clue me in on the Megacorp political situation as they saw it. Thursday I felt so bad I had to turn around and go home and take a nap before running some errands. And today, Friday, I found that I had to take a couple of naps that I couldn’t wake up from.

One of the weird things is that I haven’t been able to sleep through the night. And when I wake up I’m in the middle of an agitated fever dream, the kind where you know that you have to fit the framistram into the back of the computer and you just feel off like you need a drink of water at work and you can’t get one because everyone including the boss is coming into your cube asking if you’ve fit the framistram into the back of the computer. But I don’t have a fever!

What an annoying cold. Ah, well, it would probably be worse if I actually had a fever so I better be happy with what I have. At least my cough isn’t as bad as my sister’s so far.

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