Well, I guess I’m OK.

The day started out with a trip to Adecco to see about temp jobs, specifically warehouse jobs. But I did end up taking the “Secretary II” assessment, that included a Meyers-Briggs-like questionnaire, some grammar/spelling questions, and a typing test. I think I did OK, but it’s hard to know. And I had to fill in another online “résumé”.

I made a trip to my doctor and had these few questions scribbled down on the back of an envelope.

So, what I found out was that I’m in the very early chronic stage of chronic myelogenous leukemia. My white blood cell count is about 20,000 (of mysterious units I forgot to ask about). To me that sounds nice and low.

I shouldn’t see any symptoms yet, and problems I’ve been having (poor sleep, etc) are due to reasons other than CML. I don’t sleep well in the winter to begin with. So all my worrying was for naught.

I don’t have any dietary restrictions, and even the instructions the pharmacist printed out, “DO NOT take any other medications …” isn’t a big problem.

And the office called my sister about getting HLA typing to see if she can be a bone marrow donor for me.


I called about my broken cell phone yesterday, and they told me they’d ship me a new one for a $35 deductible in two to three days. Well, it only took a day. But another punishment for using my insurance is a larger phone. Since my atrophied electronic skills have most likely narrowed the culprit to a dying battery, and because the batteries are identical in both phones, I could have just used the new battery in the old phone. Alas, I activated the new phone, so now I have a new, larger albatross to carry with me.

4 thoughts on “Well, I guess I’m OK.”

  1. Why don’t you just get a job at the Tavern?I can see you working there! I’m glad that your hypochondria has been diagnosed! You’re going to be just fine.
    I just switched my phone over to Sprint and of course the coverage sucks compared to ATT. 3 dropped calls on the 280. I hate that shit! Oh well, Murier swears that I’ll love my new phone….probably as much as I’m loving him going back to Iraq!!!

  2. Hi!
    I got to your blog thru a friend of your sister showing off how she is so frightened of Santa, LOL. However, I am an Oncology Clinical Specialist and normal white blood cell count is 5000-10,000. Your sis can donate bone marrow in an allogenic bone marrow transplant (donor marrow) if her HLA typing matches yours. STEM CELLS come from an autologous bone marrow transplant (your OWN marrow), when you are given high does chemo to wipe out your “bad” leukemic cells and stimulate your body to produce it’s own abundance of new, healthy stem cells which are then re-infused back into your body to “rescue” you from the chemo having wiped out your immune system along with the leukemic cells….whew! maybe more than you wanted to know. Feel free to email me if you have questions! BTW, you’re very lucky to have Gleevec as a treatment option, it’s an amazing breakthru!

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