Megan’s right.

My ass is getting larger. I put on my wedding & funeral suit today and I noticed it was a little tight in the waist. And I’m not real sure how the collar on my shirt is so small when my neck measures out at 15 1/2″ but a 15 1/2″ collar doesn’t fit. I think it’s time to hit the treadmil.

I made it to the memorial service of a co-worker who apparently had leukemia the whole time I knew him. I had no idea. It was also the first time I was in Temple Beth Israel in NW Portland, and it’s been in my neighborhood longer than I have. I think it’s the first time I’ve been in any temple at all. I hope the next time I’m in a temple it’s for a happier reason.

I did get to have dinner with old co-workers after the memorial service and it was quite fun. We all worked for a company that was interesting but didn’t pay that much and it was an interesting group of people. Plus, I got to work downtown instead of in the ‘burbs. My first commute was 40 minutes walking instead of 40 minutes driving each day. Sure saved a lot on gas and kind of gave me some minimal exercise. Ah, well, I’m sure it  looks a lot better in retrospect.

2 thoughts on “Megan’s right.”

  1. Are you sure that it is not that you are gaining muscle weight? It may be that instead of your ass getting larger as you think.

  2. Muscle weight, the exact term I use when the scales don’t budge even when I have been working my butt off at the gym 😉

    Glad there was some joy in your funeral day.

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