And yet another sign of my genius.

Besides telling a guy who is supposed to be my project lead that he should know what I’m doing and shouldn’t be asking me to describe the project, I had another sign that I should be doing something more agreeable to my personality. I was told that we needed an odd number of samples because we needed to find the median value.

What I should have done:

Said, “Sir! Yes sir!” and generated an odd numbered set of samples.

What I did:

I asked a, “Bioinformatics Associate at OHSU,” who is also an, “Adjunct Statistics Instructor at PSU,” if I could just take the middle two values of an even-numbered set and averaged those if I didn’t have an odd-numbered set. (His answer was something like, “Well, duh.”)

I asked, “Why?” a few too many times before someone gave me an answer, but it turns out that Megacorp’s legal department doesn’t trust us with calculators, so we have to have an odd-numbered set and just pick the middle value.

I was late to the gym today and got lots of grief about it. (I was at work later than I wanted to be, and I’ll be at work even later tomorrow.) When I was there, I asked Timmy the Architect if he liked his job and he said he did. I figured if an architect didn’t like his job, then all was lost. He thinks I would fit in somewhere that’s more laid-back and social than Megacorp. I think people get the wrong opinion of me at the gym. I’m trying to be a curmudgeon here.

Oh, I suppose I told Timmy and his trainer Dana that I wouldn’t be exacting my revenge on anybody at Megacorp because I’m too pretty for prison. You see, I’m a very serious person when I’m at the gym. (An example is how I call one of the martial-arts-like exercise classes Mooooortaaaal Kooombaaaat! Hee hee, I just cheered myself up by looking for Mortal Kombat on youtube.)

2 thoughts on “And yet another sign of my genius.”

  1. Hey, so “difficult and hard to work with” in Corpospeak means “not fucking retarded” in English? I broke the code! I broke the code!

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