It still isn’t melting very quickly.

I went out to Hayden Island, on the Columbia River, and it was still quite icy. But things are mostly melting in town. Mostly, but slowly. I had to shovel an area in front of the driveway so we could get back home. We live on a dead end, so we don’t get that much traffic. No real story, since we just went to the store and back, but one of our not-so-bright neighbors (who is a physician, after all) was standing in the middle of the street, staring at us instead of getting out of the way. She finally got the idea. Lots of people are walking in the street instead of on the shoveled sidewalk. I’m not quite sure why.

Oh, and my grandmother passed away yesterday. She was 98 1/2 years old. Sounds like I’m not going to get close to that age.

2 thoughts on “It still isn’t melting very quickly.”

  1. cheer up mr. fujinaka!
    i was diagnosed with leukemia 3 years ago when i was 15, and have since relapsed and am still (!!!) going through chemo and radiation. of course it’s not easy but the best way to help things (and i’m sure you’ve already heard this) is to keep a bright outlook, no matter what. and – know that people care a lot about you and hope for the best for you every day.

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