Good news!

My insurance has approved my Gleevec! Now I just have to wait for the paperwork to flow through the proper channels and get to my local pharmacy. That could be a few days.

It’s snowing again, and all sorts of people are sledding on the hill. It’s FREEZING and the wind is blowing. Later today, we’re supposed to get freezing rain.

I’m not going outside, and I’ve got an excuse. Yesterday, my lunch burrito decided that it wasn’t food, and it made its way out of my body. Food poisoning is no fun. My guess is that the 22°F outside temperature and the blowing wind brought down the temperature of the warming tables and grew Clostridium perfringens in the beans or the chicken. Just my luck. On the plus side, I got a nice, restful sleep.

One thought on “Good news!”

  1. Congrats on the insurance kicking down!! That must be a big relief. I’m sorry that your burrito tried to kill you…it obviously didn’t know that you are already infected!! That’s the beauty of all of this…life doesn’t care that you get cancer it just keeps piling the shit on your plate!!! Always remember that you can still get hit by a car at any minute…you’d think that cancer is a sort of get out of jail free card, but it ain’t but another pile of shit to deal with. As you can tell my attitude toward life has regressed to it’s old self. Sorry to share it with you. Go out and make a snow angel for me will ya’???

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