Sounds like my demanding sister is OK.

My ma called from Japan and she said she’s bringing me back candy that is available at the local Asian grocery. Whoop-dee-doo. I told her to come back soon before I have to kill my father.

I found out what I’m doing at Megacorp for the next couple of months. I’m making marketing demos in Windows. Now, I was hired to be a Linux developer which is a lot different than being a Windows demo maker, but that’s just the Megacorp way. Your skills are not used to fit you to the proper job. If you’re standing around with your Masters degree in Computer Science and they need someone to fix the Megacorp van, you better become an auto mechanic real quick. Even if you don’t have a drivers license and only ride bicycles. If I were a spiritual man, I’d say my immortal soul was in danger. As it is I just think my ass hurts.

6 thoughts on “Sounds like my demanding sister is OK.”

  1. oh no they’re not using your exact specific skill set at your big corporate job working for the man? why that’s just unbelievable! dork.

  2. Gee, you still have a job and you are bitchingg? Go figure! And tell your mom to bring you home a nice girl period. She will will have better luck than you are at the moment. It is either your mom or your sister…..

  3. Maybe by candy she actually meant Candy and IS bringing home a girl for you?

    Fingers crossed!

  4. according to the latest stats in the land of the rising sun, most marriages are sexless. maybe ma should look for a girl from anther country. otherwise you’ll still be sexless, but have all the bitching and nagging of matrimony. who needs that?

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