Was I typing into this thing today?

I’m supposed to help a guy who lives in low-income elderly housing with his internet connection, and I realized that I remember the guy from when I worked at an ISP. He used to come in every month and pay his bill in cash. If I go see him, his will be the second computer I look at this week. I hope I can fix it.

Other than that today was work, bills, TV. I have nothing more to say about that, because it’s not interesting to anyone, not even me.

One thought on “Was I typing into this thing today?”

  1. So, I haven’t been reading regularly but I have just started to read my feeds again and you’re included. Don’t you feel special? You should. ANYWAY, this might be way out of line and I reckon you’ve joined everything and more already but have you thought of getting a consumating.com account? I was all rah rah when you were first getting into friendster, but now I see how much it is the suck and think that perhaps consumating is the new way to go.

    As for this post, I do hope that you were able to fix that guy’s computer! Dude, I totally like talking about TV. Don’t underestimate how fun TV can be. I missed Ugly Betty tonight (conscious decision) but I did tune into Grey’s Anatomy. Now what were you watching? Hmmm? 🙂

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