You know nothing happened today.

Yesterday (meaning Friday) I got home after work and fell asleep. I ate dinner and I fell asleep again. Even after all this, my friends wanted to get a drink. Well, after the two short naps I was feeling OK but my friends were falling asleep. Which leads to today (Saturday) when I got up and went downtown to help some people in a HUD facility with computer skills, and then then spent the rest of the day installing and re-installing a beta OS on my Mac. It was a joy to behold.

I guess I can describe my day by my dinner at McDonalds. In other words, not much going on.

I’m htodd, for those in the know.

12:49  jasonc> reminds me of the old "what's the difference between a slut and a bitch?" joke
12:49  singingarc> punch line?
12:50  jasonc> singingarc: slut is someone who'll sleep with anyone, a bitch is someone who'll sleep with anyone but you
12:50  singingarc> ah
12:51  singingarc> so what do you call a woman who only sleeps with you?
12:51  jgw> a woman of low standards
12:51  htodd> imaginary, in my case

The only exciting thing today was seeing a woman at the gym who kind of looked like the last woman I went on a date with. She was much younger, though, and was wearing a t-shirt that said, “Dirty Weekends.” The typeface was hard to read and I thought it said, “Dirty Hedgehog,” which of course made no sense. I don’t get the reference, “Dirty Weekends,” either.

Things just don’t seem to be going right.

I went out and hit a bucket of balls at the driving range. That meant standing out in the 90°F sun, with no shade, hitting golf ball after golf ball. You’d figure a couple would go straight, just by chance but I think I’ve used up all my beginner’s luck and I’m deep into sucking now.

I’ve also spent the past several days trying to download a non-corrupt beta copy of MacOS X. FIVE TIMES I’ve tried and failed. Keep in mind that it’s big enough that it takes me 13+ hours to download it once and find out that something failed near the end. It’s like hitting my head against the wall again and again hoping something will change this next time. Wait, that’s a valid description of my golf game, of my new job search at Megacorp, and even of my life in general lately.

So I think I’ll try to get a little more than my usual 5+ hours of sleep tonight. Maybe I’ll even have a dream where I’m an astronaut or something. Nothing too good, though, because I hate waking up and finding myself back where I was the night before.