I need to get out more.

Yesterday I finally finished my radio. The last part was the worst, but now I have a complete ham radio that works well and cost me too much compared to the one I already have. But it was a kit, which makes it all the more expensive. So, most of a month spent hiding in the basement, and it’s finished.

Another indication that I need to get out more: I was at the park for a free Celtic concert and I was sure I saw a woman holding a small corpse of a baby. It was lifeless and motionless, and everyone was going about doing their own thing. It took me a minute to realize that it wasn’t a corpse, it was a doll. I told my friend about it, how I thought there was such a macabre scene in the middle of picnicking families and kids running about. She works with Child Protective Services and she told me that when she looks out at the families, she sees all the potential cases for child abuse and molestation.

And I thought I had it bad. When I think about work and look out at people, I just think, “He doesn’t know how to use a computer, and she doesn’t know how to use a computer, and she doesn’t know how to use a computer…” You get the idea.

Anyway, I think I should quit watching cop shows and reading mysteries if I can’t identify a baby doll as a baby doll.