The closet is coming! The closet is coming!

I am possibly the dullest guy on the intarweb. Not only is there nothing going on in my life but hay fever season is starting for me so I’m taking antihistamines that make me sleepy and duller. I mean, really, I almost fell asleep at my desk today, so I left the office to buy batteries and toilet paper at Costco. Could it be any less exciting?

I did a Turkish get up with a 32kg (70.5lb) kettlebell, something I attempted last week. But last week I almost dropped it on my head and killed myself and this week I didn’t have anything nearly as exciting happen. Heck, I even fell off of a ~3ft box while jumping onto it yesterday and didn’t do anything nearly as fun today.

OK, it’s time to watch the OK Go video on youtube. Don’t tell me you haven’t seen it already. It’s not up (down) to my usual level of music video, but andiamo.

Strengths assessment.

I can’t talk too much about work, but I did do an online strengths assessment today. I found out my strengths were Adaptability, Learner, Woo, Maximizer, and Analytical. Those aren’t even the same parts of speech. What kind of clown comes up with this stuff anyway? Plus the description for “Adaptability” makes it sound like my greatest strength is half-assing things. I will admit I’m pretty good at exactly that, but how is that a strength? It’s like they had to say SOMETHING nice about me and that’s all they could find.

Funny, I have little else to report. I fell off of a box today, skinning my shin and giving myself a nice bruise on my inner thigh, but how is that interesting? I put a deposit down on my closet bits, but that’s not that exciting either. I suppose there’s just going to be a languid laxity as I half-ass my life since that’s my greatest strength anyway.

Not looking forward to spring.

The closet people (no not the people talking to me from the closet) came back with a quote and not only is the closet less fancy than I had thought, it’s also only $1500-ish. I was told I could get a wire rack at Home Depot for $90, but I’m also the guy who bought the $500 drapes. There’s no sense here. Besides, what else am I spending my money on? My closet adventures continue.

My eyes have been feeling itchy the past couple of days, and I’ve been feeling a little wheezy when I run around the block. I think hay fever season is rapidly approaching for me. Yet another thing I have to look forward to.

I think that’s it. Mondays I’m more cranky than usual, so I think I’m calling it. Still not “early” but at least it’s bedtime.

What straight guy pays $500 for office drapes?

Somehow eharmony isn’t exactly clear on where “Portland, Oregon” is. They may actually be unclear on where I am. I’ve checked my settings and now that I think about it, maybe they’re just telling me that the closest woman who would go out with me is in another country. I’m getting a whole lot of matches, but they’re all in Vancouver, B.C. Yeah, the one in Canaduh.

I spent part of this afternoon watching the hockey game and we was robbed. Actually I don’t believe that, and I have to say my HDTV makes hockey watchable. I remember trying to watch it on a 17″ old-school television and I could never tell where the puck was. In the USA vs Canada game, it was quite clear. I’m not sure if I’ll watch all that much more hockey (or soccer or any other equivalent sport) but it’s nice to know that I can.

Other than that, I was upgrading my drapes today. I didn’t like the pocket drape thing, so I got some rings to hang the drapes on so I can open and close the drapes easier. I can’t believe I’m doing all this without a female significant other forcing me to do it. Ah, well. I was told today that I need TWO cats to eat my face off when I die alone because I have a large face. Man, TWO cats. Well, like they say in the movies, “Time to nut up, or shut up.”