I’ve lost my readership.

I forgot to post anything yesterday. Too tired, I suppose. No matter, Mariko and Carolyn are off to Australia and so there’s probably one other rotating person reading, so I’ve lost 2/3 of my readers.

I was so tired at the gym that bicep curls were making me lose my breath. And Dave the Trainer thinks I should gain ten more pounds. I’d be ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY POUNDS. I’ve never weighed that much. I’m guessing he meant ten more pounds of muscle, not ten more pounds of FAT ASS. I am making some sort of progress. One of my goals was more balance, and now I can actually squat on top of a Swiss ball. Just a little more and I’ll be able to stand on the darn thing.

Now if I could just find a way to show off this awesome bod to the chicks. HAHAHA

8 thoughts on “I’ve lost my readership.”

  1. Hah! I thought I would just post a note to say I read everyday and then I saw all of your other readers here, too, so it’s not just me! Look how popular you are!

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