T-minus 2. Or is it D-minus 2.

The office moves on Thursday and you can imagine how much I’m thinking of anything else at work. Pack up the crap and shoehorn ourselves into smaller offices out in the middle of nowhere. Well, nowhere compared to where we are now in downtown Portland.

Other than that, a friend in NYC called and told me how she was working on the long way around trying to get into a relationship with a guy. A dangerous game played by most of the guys I know, who usually end up hearing the “F” word instead of getting anywhere. (Friend, if you didn’t get it.) Well, she got hornswoggled by a friend who muscled in on her game and here I am trying to be obtuse about the whole thing.

Holy crap that was some of the worst writing I’ve done in years. OK, maybe some of my technical writing is worse but you get the idea.

Anyway, the friend reminded me of some of the people we went to school with who fell off the map. I tried emailing two guys, Terry from Portland State, and Steve from high school, and both their email addresses bounced. Yeesh. I guess Jason is right and all the guys are bad at keeping in touch.

My mom goes in for some odd laser cataract surgery tomorrow. Wish her luck!

3 thoughts on “T-minus 2. Or is it D-minus 2.”

  1. good luck to mama fuj.

    so what you’re saying is she was trying to get a guy, but some other girl muscled in on her? yeah that’s not what it seems like you were writing.

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