I am an intolerant right-wing freak.

Or so I was called. Went up to the Scappoose Strawberry Festival and I stopped by Greg’s house to pick him up. Unfortunately, an old friend was there with his new girlfriend. Greg and the new girlfriend got into this horrible pro/anti gun argument and while I didn’t share all of Greg’s Libertarian sentiment, I also thought that the woman was a goofus who had no grasp of real human nature. There was a lot of “everyone get along” and other woo-woo crap that was truly annoying. And all her “we must teach peace” crap and “anyone can be like Martin Luther King, Jr.” nonsense just made me angry. I hope I never see her again. Later, I told Greg that and he told me I was an intolerant right-wing freak.

So, Il and I ditched them and went to the Strawberry Festival. I told Greg’s wife Keeley and also his daughter Bridget that I had to leave him because he was embroiled in a senseless argument about guns. Keeley just said, “Oh, no,” and laughed. Bridget said, “What gun argument are they having? Which gun to shoot?” AHAHAHA. Best quote ever!

2 thoughts on “I am an intolerant right-wing freak.”

  1. I.ve always known that you were one of them. shame on you……
    and,by the way, strawberry festivals are for homos!!!!!!
    you sure do crack me up!
    when do i get to meet this Il person? can you send me a photo of him.please.

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