All day I think of things to write and when I see this blank screen…

Nothing. But it was a bee-yoo-tee-ful day here in Portland today. I spent most of the day chasing compilation errors in some computer programs, mainly net-snmp in Fink. I suppose we all need our hobbies.

Yesterday I went to the funeral of a friend’s mom. I’ve known him and his family for more than thirty years. Maybe because it was a parent instead of a peer, there was a sense of distance to the whole affair. Since many of the people attending were Mormon, they seemed to think she was in a better place, a place I don’t understand at all. It was good to see the family doing so well and, at the very least, Mrs. Kelly is at peace.

Why is it that the two World Series™ games I missed were ones where the Marlins won? I guess I should be happy that the World Series™ is over and I can get back to watching football. And while there really isn’t anything interesting going on in my life, I can at least take pleasure in the fact that the Cowboys lost.