Another addictive Dragonball.

Or as I’ve heard it called, Drag-on ball. I used to watch it in Japan on Wednesday nights at exactly 6PM. Japanese TV was pretty darn precise back then. I don’t know what it’s like now, fourteen years later. Anyway, it’s a serial cartoon that came from a comic book. I used to read comic books all the time and I think it might have helped me with my Japanese reading. Or maybe I just looked at the pictures.

I’ve been tracking two of my packages on UPS’s web site. One was shipped 2-day air and it’s in Portland already. The other is making it through a bunch of towns I’ve barely heard of: Mesa, AZ, Phoenix, Riviera, AZ, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Boise, Hermiston. OK, I was in a wedding in Hermiston but I’m not sure why my soldering iron is stuck there.

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