Crap. The Cubs lost.

My writebacks appear to be working. I decided to quit using the static web pages and re-did some of the web server configuration. Whee.

So the first write back I get is from another frigging premed. “You CAN be a doctor,” they said. Actually, I can’t be a doctor. I’ve been told that how many times? Sixty-three? And anyway, I hate frigging premeds, and since premeds become doctors I wouldn’t get along with many of them, now, would I?

As an added bonus, I called about a job posting and was told that my experience in school was worth nothing and that only on-the-job experience counted. Plus, with the economy the way it is, companies are asking for five years of experience and won’t take anything less.

Headhunters can be so cheery sometimes.

4 thoughts on “Crap. The Cubs lost.”

  1. Nice blog software, the layout is very nice =P Its pretty frightening you can’t find a job in computer science with a graduate degree. I’m majoring in CS and will graduate soon; since I’m even less qualified than you, it looks like I’ll have to bury myself in grad school (cause no one will hire me either =P )
    You’d think for the amount of work it takes to major in CS, we’d at least be able to get a crummy entry-level job.

  2. that you are completely INSANE and don’t play well with others, and that is probably why you can’t find work or keep it when you do manage to find work. Heh.

  3. your writebacks finally work. Whoah, I just had a deja vu. Did you know that there are a bunch of spaces in the “Comments” box, so that when I tab to the box to enter comments, it is not flush to the left?

  4. Doesn’t that make you feel worthy? HA HA HA HA. You know, I didn’t even have caffeine this morning.

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