How to take the joy out of a job.

Today we had a stockholder meeting and we were required to wear “business casual.” My immediate boss says that means wear a collar and jeans with no holes. I did a little better than that. We were then subjected to odd laws because of a contract we’re on. Yeah, I don’t live in LA but I was supposed to read the whole site.

Then we were told we need to put a dumb-ass disclaimer on all our emails. You’ve probably seen them, “If you’re not the intended recipient, etc, etc.” I think once an email has reached an unintended recipient, they can do whatever the hell they want with it and that disclaimer just says, “Boy, am I a moron.”

On the way home I had to buy another combination lock for the gym. Somehow I lost the last one. I’m sure I’ll find it now that I bought a replacement.

And I was almost hit by a bicyclist running a stop sign. I don’t mind bicyclists pulling California stops, but they better be able to stop if they have to especially at dusk, wearing black, no lights, and no helmet. Pedestrians have the right-of-way in this state. I yelled, “Hey, there’s a stop sign, you know,” and when she gave me some lip, I called her a stupid cow. I’m proud of myself on that one. I do way too much swearing and I think that was about as restrained as I’ve been.

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