So tired and cranky.

First, I must apologize to all the people in class on Saturday morning who had to listen to my kvetching but dear god there’s no way I was going to end up a workout with a frigging burpee/broadjump combination without complaining about it. I suppose rowing could be more vomit-inducing, but really, ending with Beck’s burpees?

Friday was a long day. I got up at 4:30AM to get in line for an iPhone. I figured there wouldn’t be anyone there, but my friends from Apple were giving me this whole song and dance about how nice the new phone would be and how there would be a long line, etc, etc. But I remember last year when there was a huge line at the Apple Store and there were rumors that from 9AM to 10AM there was NO LINE at the AT&T Store. The AT&T Store ran out, of course, and didn’t get restocked for a while, but there was that golden window where you could just walk in on the first day and get an iPhone 3G. Well, I kind of figured the same thing would happen this year, but I also figured that I’d better make sure I wasn’t wrong.

So there I was at 5AM, the only one out on the streets of downtown Portland. And the ONLY ONE IN LINE at the AT&T Store. Let’s see what I posted on twitter:

4:38 AM Jun 19th from Tweetie
I’m going to stand in line to see if I can get an iPhone.
5:04 AM Jun 19th from TwitterFon
Arrived at the AT&T Store and it’s raining. I’m the only one in line.
5:35 AM Jun 19th from TwitterFon
People are finally starting to arrive to work. But I’m still the only one in line.
5:42 AM Jun 19th from TwitterFon
Two young and cute girls out jogging stopped to ask me what I’m doing. Sounds like they’re coming back at a sane time.
5:45 AM Jun 19th from TwitterFon
The first mentally unstable person stops by to bark at me.
6:04 AM Jun 19th from TwitterFon
Some store personnel have arrived and now there are five people in line.
6:59 AM Jun 19th from TwitterFon
The line at 7 (right before they started selling preordered phones). I was right.
7:41 AM Jun 19th from TwitterFon
The cheery door greeter is about to get my iPhone inserted in an orifice.

Just so you won’t have to click on the twitpic link, here’s the picture of the line.

Line at the AT&T store to get the iPhone.

There were only about a dozen people in line. By the time they actually started letting us in there were about twenty people there and only a third of the people had preordered their phones. The people with pre-orders were supposed to get in at 7 and the rest of us were supposed to get in at 9AM. Lucky for us, they let us in a little early, and I got my 32G (29G if you ask it) black iPhone 3G S.

So far, I’ve only noticed that my new iPhone loads the game “Peggle” faster than the old one, but I’ve played with Voice Connect (voice dialing) and that works pretty well. Yeah, I feel like a sucker, but I’m happy.

OK, so just for the fun of it, here’s a picture of Megan’s boyfriend Nadeem up at Twin Peaks on the day before the Apple WWDC where they brainwashed me into buying more Apple stuff.

Twin Peaks in San Francisco

Ah, how much simpler life was before I was brainwashed.