See? Nothing to report.

Went to a ham radio club meeting tonight, and not much happened.

Otherwise: went to work, ditched everyone for lunch (I don’t like the expensive Chinese restaurant they wanted to go to), and found out that amongst the technical geeks at work, I spent the most time there. Since I’m salaried, that means I made the least per hour. I’m sure I’ll be punished for that in some other way as well.

But really, nothing exciting happened. And while my sister seems to have 8 people signed up for her free iPod deal, I have zero. Heh. She always was more popular.

One thought on “See? Nothing to report.”

  1. I heard that even if you are salaried, you are still eligible for overtime compensation depending on what your duties are. BUT, I think the Bushies just passed legislation that will limit this, and once again, YOU are probably screwed.

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