And yet again, a snow day.

It snowed yet again last night and this morning it was too deep on most streets for any car with a normal to low clearance. Even the buses were getting stuck. My friend waited for hours for a bus to arrive so he could get to work but he eventually gave up and decided to work from home. I found out about this because he called to complain about the buses.


I didn’t try to get anywhere and my biggest exertion was to shovel the walk again and dust off the heat pump. The heat pump is only used when the outside temperature is above 40°F (or was it 50°F) so I didn’t have to clear the snow off of it, but I had to have some reason to get out of the house.


I guess the gym was open for some period of time in the morning, but it was closed in the evening when I usually attend. The roads were clearer later in the day, but still in no shape for most people to be out. It’s just as well, because I was accused of being a “blog hog,” doing silly things to get my picture on the blog. Which doesn’t make sense because a lot of the things are suggestions from THMFIC.


And really, getting my picture on the blog just means that Nurse Tiff’s picture isn’t, so where’s my motivation there?

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