Slacking at a rapid pace.

I wish I were slacking at a much higher pace because I had a bunch more work show up in my inbox. However I didn’t do any packing today. My back kind of hurts and I’m fairly sure it’s because I have to drag boxes out of a crowded room and that requires me to pick up heavy things while standing in strange positions. I’m still scheduled to take off Thursday and Friday so I can pack up more crap, and I hope I can still do that. The email I just got makes it sound unlikely, but I suppose I could work every day of the week if I wanted to.

Just thinking about the multiple customers and the multiple rooms to pack and the cutting of the shrubs for the heat exchanger and the waiting for the gas company to install a gas meter and it just makes me kind of anxious. I figure the packing shouldn’t be THAT bad. At some point I can stop sorting through stuff and just buy a lot of cardboard boxes and just start pitching shit in. The problem with that is that the boxes often stay packed full of crap forever. I still have some things in the boxes that I moved back from Japan. I keep thinking that was just a couple of years ago, but that was November of 1991. Some of the yoots at the gym probably can’t remember 1991 because they were too little.

Crap, that reminds me I have to install an electrical outlet and also order contacts. And it’s way past my bedtime already and my day’s so packed tomorrow that I only have 1/2 an hour for lunch. Hooray.

2 thoughts on “Slacking at a rapid pace.”

  1. Back in April, my parents moved from a big old house they had lived in for 46 years.

    Based on that experience I have some advice for you.


    Although, now it is hard for me to do anything without calculating how little it would cost me to have a day laborer do it – plus they did a great job.

    I have decided though (after a lot of thought) that there is really no point in hiring them to go to the gym for you.

  2. In 1991 I was eleven years old. Yoot is right. I do remember it though. He-man, NKOTB, all that stuff.

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