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I was DFL at the gym today and tired and sneezing. It’s finally time for phase 2 of my yearly hay fever fun! I’m hoping it doesn’t get too bad, but with all the rain making everything grow.

But I can’t really blame my performance on my hay fever. I took 3 weeks off because of my back, went back for a week, and last week I only made it to San Francisco Crossfit once and never saw the inside of the hotel’s gym. So basically, I’m a big load.

Not only that, but I realized I’ve been at some sort of conference for a week and a half — five days last week at the Apple WWDC and three this week at a work conference where I gave a presentation. Being stuck in a room all day long is quite tiring.

A bunch of clowns people avoided the gym today because tomorrow is Fran and they’re resting up before that workout. I’m probably going to be DFL again, but whatever. I’m still trying to get back from my injury. Besides, I’m old, and I have insurance.