Ways I’m cheating at the gym.

The gym is not a competition, so I’m only cheating myself. HAH. Of course it’s a little competitive, and I’m telling on myself just so I can work up with some flimsy excuses before I get called on it.

  • I wasn’t doing box jumps today.

    I’m an old man and I was using the tallest box for box jumps. It was the one that was left. So I did some jumps for a while until I decided I could either just stand there sucking wind or just step up onto the box. OK, so we were counting how many we were doing and I should have stopped counting the number I did, but did I mention that I’m an old man? At least compared to the guys who are either in their 20’s or just barely in their 30’s? Besides, I just saw a blog posting of what happens when you screw up on a box jump. Also I saw a dude limping out of the earlier class. So instead of calling me a cheater, you can also call me a chicken shit.

  • I do less weight than the other guys.

    I do less weight than the 20-something dudes (and I’m including the 32-year-old dude in the 20-somethng category) because, honestly, I’m not as strong in the shoulders as those guys. Or anywhere else (except maybe in the mouse arm.) Maybe my big Asian thighs can handle more air squats (squats with no weight) but really, they’re 20-something and they’re not carrying around all this IT weight that I had to develop for my career. (Ka-rear, get it? Hahaha. I’m so funny.) Sometimes I feel like it’s cheating because going up or down just 5 pounds in a shoulder-press makes a big difference for me. So if I’m doing 5 pounds less, I’m getting off a lot easier.

  • I eat too many cheeseburgers.

    Wait, this was about cheating. I think I’ve lost my train of thought.

In other news, Mark got his muscle-up today and it should be posted on the Recreate Fitness blog soon. This means I could go off my cheeseburger boycott, but maybe I should keep that up until I can get my own muscle-up. Now I have to figure out if the other things I eat are worse for me than cheeseburgers.

One thought on “Ways I’m cheating at the gym.”

  1. Dude, we are going to live to 150 so technically, you are like in your 20s. No more excuses.

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