I wonder if I worked out hard enough.

I’m a bad son. It’s my mom’s birthday today and instead of going out to dinner with her, I went to the gym. I thought it was just going to be my mom and my sister, but my brother-in-law showed up as well and I felt really stupid about ditching them. But I’m addicted to the the gym. Everyone there gets along pretty well, so its fun as well. Like one of Dave the Trainer’s clients said, I need a social life. Somehow I think that would involve beer and tacos.

I was right when I predicted a hard workout today, but really there are hard days and there are easy days and they alternate so there wasn’t much prescience on my part. We talked about strategy again but when I got home I had to lay on the floor for a while before I had enough energy to think about dinner. I feel much better now, but I think I probably did as much as I could and “got my money’s worth” today.

Speaking of money’s worth, I should figure out where I am on my gym cost chart but I think I’m too tired to do that right now.