
There’s a kid at the gym (and by kid I mean he’s in his late 20’s) who is there as regularly as I am. He’s also very serious about following a healthy diet while I, well, am not. He always orders the healthiest thing on the menu as well. So from now on I’m supposed to follow his eating habits. Which is NOT what I did tonight. I had a salmon caesar salad, but I also had an $8 baked Alaska. Both were great. The worst part is that we all went out after working out and so the trainers know what I ate for dinner and will punish me accordingly. Well, they’ll punish us all accordingly.

Somehow it’s voluntary, so I suppose it’s not really punishment. And while yesterdays workout just seemed kind of awful, most of the workouts are fairly challenging and fun to get through. Afterwards you kind of think, “Woo, we made it! Time for a beer!

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