I’m supposed to be at one of two parties right now.

I’m too old for this. I was trying to catch up on some sleep last night and my aunt called for my mom at 6AM. I made it to the hospital a little late, but I’d missed the doctor by hours. It’s an odd arrangement they have there, groups of doctors calling each other and only really conversing through written notes they leave in a loose-leaf binder by my mom’s door. They don’t even talk to the nurse all the time and sometimes she has to find out what to do through the notes in the binder. It’s all very bizarre. It also means that I have to hang around and wait for the doctor in case my mom needs something translated.

Fortunately she’s looking a lot better. She’s up and about and reading her book and doing Sudoku puzzles. If we’re lucky she’ll be home soon and then we’ll have to schedule her gall bladder surgery after she’s through all her blood thinners. When it rains it pours.

I had the fried chicken with mashed potatoes and peas for lunch at the hospital cafeteria. The chicken was like the Banquet frozen fried chicken. Sometimes that’s real good. I pigged out at dinner at Pastini and even had their tiramisu. It always seems odd to me how different everyone’s tiramisu is.

I should get off the computer and get some sleep. I’ve been playing solitaire obsessively to comfort my brain. I need more dangerous pastimes so I can be more cool. Heh.