Weird dreams.

Before I describe the dream I had last night, I had a dream the night before last where I was in the dark, and I knew I was in the basement, and I was yelling at my mom to turn the lights back on. Sometimes I’m down there screwing with my computers or soldering on some piece of electronic equipment and my mom turns out the light. There’s a desk lamp on the workbench, so it’s not a big deal. Also, the comforting glow of the monitors keeps me company. It was a dream, though, and I woke up right after it happened.

Last night I had a dream where I forgot to pick my mom up from the airport and when I got up it was 10AM and she was already here. I woke up right after that dream, too, and I checked the clock. I had set my alarm for 5:45AM and the clock said 6:24AM. I rushed downstairs, threw on some clothes and my glasses, and ran outside. When I got outside I noticed frost on the windshield and I had to take care of that before I could leave. I drove as fast as I could (not passing anyone, but not going the speed limit) and made it to the arrival gate to find no one there. I called my sister right away to find out if the flight was delayed, and it wasn’t. It was 6:56AM (I can tell because of cell phone logs).

So I waited. And I waited. I was parked outside, and I walked around outside my car to look in the windows. There weren’t that many cars, but I couldn’t just leave it there without having Homeland Security bother me, so I just walked through all lanes of traffic to see inside through the windows. I moved the car back about half a city block to get a better view. It was 34°F outside, and I stood outside my car until I was half-frozen to make sure my mom would see me.

At 7:33AM my mom came outside and found me. Turns out she was inside waiting for me, away from the windows. Yeesh.

I was kind of worried about the alarm. My dad (who both my sister and I don’t want to be like) used to sleep through his alarm every day. It could be beeping at him for a full hour and it wouldn’t be turned off until someone else went in and shut it off. I was afraid that I was becoming more like him. So I checked my alarm clock this afternoon. It said it was 2AM on 1/1. I think that means that there’s just something seriously wrong with that alarm clock.

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