Gym rules.

I was kind of told today that there are gym rules. Don’t talk to people. Don’t make eye contact. The only verbalization is to say, “Hey buddy, need a spot?” But I have to say, “Eff that.” Already I’ve decided that the last guy who is mad at me is humorless and should be nicknamed, “Precious.” I want to say, “HEY BUDDY, I WAS MAKING FUN OF YOUR TOO-TIGHT MUSCLE T-SHIRTS. YOU WEAR THEM EXCLUSIVELY. YOU DO THAT TOO MUCH AND PEOPLE ARE GONNA THINK YOU’RE A NARCISSIST.” I was going to say, “THINK YOU’RE GAY,” but he is gay. Wouldn’t be making much of a point there.

I’m probably being a little harsh there, but humorlessness should not be tolerated. That and poor use of grammar even though I have noticed that my muscle memory on the keyboard makes me type, “you’re,” even when I mean, “your.” I have to watch that. I broke up with a woman once because she couldn’t spell, “Surprise.” Well, OK, that’s just one reason and it’s just because I have issues, but I can say it’s because she couldn’t spell.

6 thoughts on “Gym rules.”

  1. I’m with you on that issue, for sure. I have a boss who keeps saying “escape goat” and it’s driving me crazy. At the end of meetings, he says, “Party on!” I think that means we should go back to work, but who knows?

  2. Your gym sounds like hell. When it goes under, go shopping for one where people are friendly, or don’t even wait for that, go now. Most give a free weekly membership – play the field, cheat on your trainer.

  3. A) I’m with you and CC Mary. How the heck did the ex spell “surprise”? It’s not exactly “precipitousness” ot “narcissist”, for the matter.

    B) Your gym sounds DELIGHTFUL. Is their Wehrmacht Goose-Step class popular?

  4. I can’t tolerate bad spellers. Well, just bad grammar in general. I blame my English Lit degree and also my mother. I expecially can’t stand people who say “expecially” That being said, gyms are evil. It (the whole chock-full-o’-fun gym experience) would be worse if you were a chick, though. So thank your testicles. Or something. Sorry you are bearing the brunt of my sardonic wit today, internet person whom I have never met.

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