Did I forget to mention that the house is full of women?

Might sound ideal for me, but it’s my aunt, my aunt’s sister-in-law, and another friend from Japan. I’m off my routine, not that I have a routine. So far I’ve only had to be around for dinner, and I have no problems eating. I’ve had to skip the gym one night and cut short my awful performance at the driving range another night.

I mean, honestly, my golf swing is getting worse. I think it’s time to see an instructor. I mean, I want SOMETHING in my life to go right.

I should hit the hay, too. I may run into the same woman from Yahoo! on the train. She swears it’s the best job she’s ever had, and much better than what we’re doing across the parking lot from her at Megacorp. I wonder if she’s telling the truth or if she’s just deluded.

One thought on “Did I forget to mention that the house is full of women?”

  1. She is telling the truth. It is where I ended up after Megacorp. I love it. I wondered if you ended up at that campus. Ditch the cafeteria. The Irish pub has good sandwiches.

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