Falling apart here.

The past couple of days I’ve had a headache and I’m not sure if it’s a sinus headache because of the weather or because I’m at a job I can’t stand. Fortunately I didn’t have that problem today, but I did make a mess of the day. I only had a couple things I wanted to do today and I blew the one I’ve been waiting a year and a half for. I made it to the funeral, I performed my pallbearer duties, I didn’t hurt my back (as far as I can tell right now), I took my suit in to have the waist, ahem, adjusted, but I forgot to pick up the Harry Potter book from the library!

For the last two, I went to the library as early as I could and read it straight through, usually staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning. Then I took it back the next day for whatever kid really wants it. This time I’m going to have to take a few days, if they still have my book.

The reason this happened was because I took a short nap. A short THREE HOUR nap. I didn’t think I was that tired and I didn’t think I was that stressed out this week, but I suppose it wasn’t the best week. And having one of your best friends lose both his parents isn’t as hard as losing both your own parents, but it’s still no walk in the park. I took a bunch of naps this week. Visiting the hospital in the middle of the night, three days of meetings with people who can influence your job, and not getting dumped.

Oh, yeah, so two women at the gym told me that I didn’t get dumped. Two dates, and I’m still in money-back guarantee territory. But they did agree that you never need to hear a reason you’re getting dumped. Ever. My sister is the only one who agrees that I was just getting helpful suggestions. But, as I said, my sister kind of sucks.

One thought on “Falling apart here.”

  1. Umm…you are crazy! After only 2 dates there is no getting dumped because there was nothing to get dumped from!! Don’t be a weirdo!!

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