I’m too old to drink.

Yesterday I had to work later than I expected and missed playing golf with my friends. I got home wondering what I was going to do when my next door neighbor called and told me I needed to come over and drink margaritas. Woo. When I woke up this morning I was still a little drunk.

The worst part is a friend called to give me back my lawn mower and lend me his pressure washer. So instead of taking a nap, I ended up outside, trying to get the moss off of the driveway.

2 thoughts on “I’m too old to drink.”

  1. Just a random stranger dropping in to say:

    I turned 29 today and I feel the exact same way…except I know not a thing about handy work other than taking the cans down the driveway to the curb for pick up…and moss, well I like it. I like the thin green veil that clings to things, reminds me of a time when nature was at it’s most innocent and there wasn’t a thing, or pressure washer, trying to get rid of it. 😉

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