Best beer bash ever.

The Apple WWDC continued today and I’m about to pass out in some of the sessions. I’m way too tired. This morning Megan and I went to a coffee shop (Bluebottle) just under the architecture firm of the husband of someone who I only know online. We waited until he got to work so I could say hello. I conversed online with spouse about this and she said I should wait outside for him to go home so he thought I was stalking him. It wasn’t a nice-sounding thing to do at all. Oh, and we figured out that Cafe Roma in North Beach is better than Bluebottle.

So there was the standard Thursday night conference party with a band from LA whose name I can’t remember. The best part was that I met some students of an old MIT classmate (he was actually a couple years below me but now he’s a famous Media Lab guy) and also and old friend who I’ve known since grade school but who I haven’t seen since his wedding eight years ago. [insert pictures here]. Also, waiting for the bathroom, I met the guy who writes the program I use to blog with (MarsEdit) and asked him about a bug I’ve seen recently (comments are closed by default). He said he’s been seeing the same problem and was quite friendly, too. That’s tech support: standing in line with the right guy to use the bathroom.

Oh, and guys finally gave up and started using the women’s room. Heh.