So many plans to be lazy.

I had spaghetti for dinner tonight, which means I was sitting around thinking, “Dear god why did I eat so much,” when a friend’s dad called. His step-daughter was playing host to a couple of little girls from Japan and no one spoke Japanese. They had a English-to-Japanese translator gizmo, but the keys were labeled in Japanese, making it a bit useless. In any case, I spoke about three sentences to the kids who were perfectly happy playing around being kids. It was nice to see the step-daughter and her family; I hadn’t seen her in at least fifteen years because her son is now fifteen!

It’s all kind of strange, because my friend works in the next building at Intel, and I also house-sit for his dad about once every two years, and the stepsister/stepdaughter lives about two blocks from the dad’s house but I still haven’t run into her in years. She’s even a hairdresser like Megan.

In any case, that was my excitement for the day. That and the realization that I have TWO computers I can use to replace the one I’m supposed to give to Mr. Jr. Slab. Oh, plus that the ham radio swap meet is probably this weekend. Yeah, lots of opportunities to make myself even more attractive to the ladies: computers and ham radio.

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