Ugh, the heartburn starts.

I went running this morning and I found I was having the heartburn problems reported to be due to Gleevec. Ick. Fortunately, that’s about as strong as my discomfort is so far: “Ick.” My running times are much slower, but what can I expect after taking so much time off avoiding the snow and ice?

When I got back from my run, I was walking around the yard and I found my mom’s poor aloe plant. She put it in an old garbage can to protect it from the weather, but the garbage can filled with water. I’m fairly sure aloe is not an underwater plant. I hope it’s OK.

One thought on “Ugh, the heartburn starts.”

  1. Welcome to side effects!! They’re super fun and I’m sure that you’ll enjoy every last one! Extra strength gasX works pretty good. Works better than anything else for me. There’s probably some homeopathic remedy as well, but i don’t know what it is. If you start getting an ulcer take Nexium. Prevacid did nothing for me there. My new drug has an internal tattooing agent that is giving me big dark brown spots all over my palms and bottom of my feet!! I feel like an alien.
    I’m glad that you’re out running. Keeping fit will help so much. I wish that I was athletic, then I would be able to release all this damned stress that keeps me from sleeping! I need to do something to get ready for surgery…maybe marcy and I will join Curves!!!

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