And yet another sign of my physical attractiveness.

One of the trainers at the gym told me, “Dude, you need some color. Look how white your legs are.” I told him it was to blind my enemies.

I spent 12 hours at work today, trying to finish the stuff I said I’d finish. I’m not exactly happy about spending hour after hour in the lab with the guy behind me trying to cough up his lung, but I said it would be done on Thursday and I’m getting close. Thank goodness.

Due to the length of my involvement at work, I did little else. However, I can comment on the frontier culture of Portland, where you can wear your jeans to the fancy restaurants and also find most of your neighbors at the strip club. OK, so not all your neighbors, but a lot of the ones I know. Well, maybe not my neighbors because they’re not from around here in the first place, and they’re all rich and snooty nowadays. But, for the most part, people who are like neighbors but aren’t my neighbors, like my friends.

Come to think of it, I’m not sure what my dad would have to say about it, but my mom doesn’t care.

I think I blame my friend Megan, who used to enjoy going to strip clubs in the past. I figured if she enjoyed it, I didn’t have to feel guilty about enjoying it myself. I am full of guilt to begin with, but why not feel guilty about other things, like how you can’t have a minimum wage job and try to do too much, like trying to pay rent and eat in the same month with Portland housing prices the way they are. Depending on the crowd, I bet the dancers at the strip clubs make a bit more than minimum wage.

I have to find other things to think about. I am unlikely to go anytime soon, but that’s because I can’t stand the smoke and I also should lay off the drinking. Both seem to impair my ability to sleep, and I get too little to begin with.

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