Beat up by an old(er) man.

I went to the Steve Maxwell bodyweight seminar today where I learned that Steve has even more ways of kicking my ass. There was no actual ass-kicking involved (though I think he is a second-degree black belt in Gracie Jiu Jitsu), just humiliation in body weight exercises. A simple one: 10 pushups, two minutes per pushup (one minute down and one minute up) is incredibly difficult. What about pullups sets where you do a full pullup, then hold for a 10 count at the top, a full pullup, hold for 10 at 50% position, a full pullup, hold for 10 at 25% position, a full pullup, hold for 10 just below bottom, and then a full pullup. These weren’t all we saw in an 8-hour seminar. We ended up with at least 3 sets of 5 minute abdominal exercises. I’m beat up.

I don’t have anything else today. How could I?

Happy DST day, though.