T-minus 2 days and 1 hour.

I always say that the workouts at the gym get a little hard when THMFIC goes on vacation. I think he wants us to remember who’s boss while he’s gone. I mean really, the day after Helen we see Tabata burpees? OK, so they weren’t exactly Tabata rounds. 30 seconds of burpees followed by 30 seconds of plank hold. I wasn’t able to do that many burpees and I was cheating on my plank hold that I foolishly started on the rings. This is my sixth day working out and I’m pooped. Also, I was trying Chip Conrad-style burpees and boy did my pushups suck by the end. I think I was able to do 77 “normal” burpees, but only 61 of the Chip burpees.

I really wonder if I’ll get around to drinking myself senseless on February 14. I’m using my closet painting and mudding to distract myself from any failures I have associated with that date and I really need to get that done. Plus the painting touchup in the bathroom. Plus the mudding of the weird swoopy wall patterns in the hallway. Plus the wiring of the second bedroom light. I have a lot of alone time scheduled for this weekend which matches nicely with my relationship status.

Burger club tried to go to the Carlyle for our last burger, but they were out. I think they’re out for good now. We ended up at Pause who has really good pub burgers though they overcooked mine a bit. Not as big a disappointment as other things in my life, so I’m not too worried.