Ice day.

The streets outside are a sheet of ice. I guess you can drive on it (people made it to the gym OK) but I also saw a guy in a Jeep Cherokee doing 35MPH on a residential street while talking on his cell phone slide through an intersection when he couldn’t stop in time. Guys like that are the reason I don’t like going out in this weather.

It’s a lot colder than it usually gets here, and windy as well. There haven’t been as many people sledding because of that so I didn’t have to hear them all night. I did end up with a broken beer bottle in my driveway so the responsibility level hasn’t gone up much. In fact, the kids are getting more speed sledding down the icy street. Jay the Contractor tried to drive up the street and quickly honked at a kid and got flipped off by one of the parents. I mean, really, Jay is trying to get to work. Get the hell out of his way. The contractors next door were there all day as well. This is one of the reasons I never wanted to work for myself.