Today I did ZERO kettlebell clean and presses.

I’m spending money like a crazy man. I’m not sure if it’s to fill an empty hole in my life or if I’m just trying to jump start the economy on my own. In any case, my old boss, my buddy John, my buddy Greg, and my sister all have fancy espresso machines so I thought it was time to get one for myself.


It was on sale at Costco. I know it’s an extravagance and I owe a boatload of money to Jay the Contractor and his crew, but I’m in Portland where we’re known for our beer, coffee, and strip clubs. I suppose we’re also known for our rain and Nike and other things, but coffee is certainly in our top five and there are even three fairly large coffee roasters in my neighborhood. You can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a coffee shop by my house and they’re not all Starbucks, either. I’m really not sure why you’d be treating a dead cat in that manner, but you shouldn’t have two Starbucks on the same block either.

In any case, at the gym today I was unable to do any kettlebell clean and presses. NONE AT ALL. Actually, it was because they changed the workout to do more leg work and less of the kettlebell clean and presses, but what fun is it to admit to that? We rowed until our legs felt like they were going to fall off and then did leg circuits until we were certain they were going to fall off. Good times were had by all and I wonder if I’m going to be able to walk tomorrow. We’ll see.