The slog to the bookstore.

Really, the only thing worse than reading repetitive posts about taking books to the used book store is actually being the guy who is taking the used books to the used book store. Today, for example, I was so tired of it that I only took 2 boxes. I think I scored a bunch of cash out of the deal, more from 2 boxes than from the 9 boxes I took in last weekend. In any case, the biggest bookcase in my dad’s old room is just about empty. Hooray.

Really, other than that, I was just monkeying around with getting my computers all back online. The basement is probably a bit too dusty for a proper “server room” but who says I have proper servers? For some reason we’ve had power glitches every few weeks and I needed to get the “servers” back onto a UPS so I didn’t have to go through a 10-minute procedure of bringing them all online every time the lights blinked. It was easiest for me to put them back where they were before.

Yeah, that’s my interesting Sunday for you. I did get to watch some more football, and I do enjoy that. But I’m really looking forward to a weekend where I don’t have to put on a dust mask.