Workity work.

I seem to be on my work laptop a lot at night. I’ll remember I have to do something or I’ll just check my email. There’s the old “work smarter, not harder” adage that would only work for me if I dealt with people in a particular time zone. The sad part is that it’s not that big a stretch for me because I don’t really have that much going on. I suppose I could pick another hobby or get back to reading some of the books I have stacked up, but work will be there tomorrow and it won’t be any less. It’s almost like I got a job with the postal service.

Besides, I need to keep my job so I pay for exciting things. While the yoots at the gym are drinking or going to Mexico or buying motorcycles, I’m doing much flashier things like asbestos abatement, drain plumbing, and dry-rot containment. Life in the fast lane, baby.