New! and Improved!

I spent a lot of time this weekend swearing at computers. We had all sorts of trouble yesterday trying to get an old copy of WindowsXP onto a brand-new computer. I’m hoping my friend (who is the contractor) figured things out. Today I decided to update the horrible Gateway I had running the web site with a horrible Dell. The experience was, well, horrible. I’m not a big fan of either company but the best computer is a free computer and you know how that can just mean more work.

Today it was only 82°F, but it was a humid so I spent most of the day reading yet another mystery. I really should make it out of the house more, and I should also take more books to used book store, and I should clean up the upstairs more. Etc. But it’s hot (or at least it was) and I did do a bunch of weird computery stuff. So I’m lazy without being lazy, or something like that.