What the hell.

So the contractors came to tear out most of the old upstairs bathroom. I didn’t think about it until now, so I hadn’t cleaned out the drawers up there. Instead of leaving the crap in the drawers and just demolishing the cabinets, they unloaded the crap into all the spare cardboard boxes I had that I was using to take books to Powells. That annoys me a little. They also decided to throw away the old fixtures, which could have been reused. The old toilet was sitting at the sidewalk and the old sink is missing. Not only that, but they took the plexiglas we use to keep the wind off of the basement windows and probably other random stuff around the house as well.

All I have to say is what the hell, man. I’m not going to be able to sleep because I’m fairly annoyed at this.

MobileMe has messed up my work calendars, making my iPhone useless for work. There’s no end of annoyance for me tonight.