Finally screwing up my gym schedule.

So this week I thought I’d miss going to the gym on Tuesday because of a massage, but I just made it. I thought I’d miss Wednesday because of a late work meeting. But Thursday I ended up talking to a contractor about (finally) doing something to the house. We’ll see what all we start doing and when.

It was a weird day. Went to the dentist (“Your teeth look fine.”) and the doctor (“Your bloodwork looks fine.”) and then met with the contractor (“Oh, honey, what have they done to your mortar?”) OK, so the contractor doesn’t sound like that but it makes for a better story. But other than waiting around a lot reading a book that I remembered to carry around with me, there really wasn’t much going on. Life’s kind of been on the boring track. Like when I’m in a room and an attractive woman comes in, she’ll sit right behind me so I can’t see her. Where’s the fun in that? I suppose there isn’t all that much fun if you just go around eating salads all the time. At least they haven’t worn my teeth down to nubbins yet.