I am so lazy.

Last night I just ate things that I found around the house. Cashews, string cheese, and some yogurt. Tonight I’m trying to get myself to go BUY something, even if it’s just another Jack-In-The-Box salad. I finally have to admit that the closest I got to cooking lately is opening the salad dressing and pouring it over the salad, and I don’t always use salad dressing. I even bought an egg steaming gadget because I don’t want to be bothered with boiling eggs. Man, that’s some avoidance of cooking.

The only interesting thing I did today was have breakfast with my sister and her running buddies. I was still a bit goofy from the Flexeril, but the advantage to hanging out with runners after their run is that they’re a bit goofy and not exactly well dressed or kempt. Now is kempt the opposite of unkempt?

I also figured that one way of getting rid of the Flexeril is to diffuse it out by drinking a lot of water. Whee.