Some sort of sick.

I left work early on Friday, at about 3:15 or something. When I got home I hit the hay. I think I was asleep from 4 until 7, only waking up after the third political phone call. I turned on my work computer and did some work (answering a customer question, no less) and finished reading my book. I think I finally got to sleep around 12AM.

Since I wasn’t going to the gym, I slept in. I didn’t get up until 10AM, and I was only awake enough to watch TV. Do you know what kind of awful TV is on Saturday morning? I had enough energy to stay up until 2PM, when I fell asleep for a short nap. By short, I mean 4 hours. I slept through three more phone calls (the ring wakes me up but I don’t actually get up) but what finally woke me up is my neighbors. It was in the low 90’s today, so I had the windows open and I thought the neighbors talking was actually someone leaving a message on my answering machine. And now I’m up writing this, right before I go back to bed.

So, instead of my usual 6 hours of sleep, the last two nights I slept 23 hours. And today I’ve slept 14 hours already. I’m guessing that can’t all be the Zyrtec and the heat. I hope I get better soon, but with my luck I’ll be just well enough to go to work on Monday. Hooray.