Annoying the spam gods.

I was gone most of the day and someone seems to have picked today to deluge me with spam that made it through my spam filter. I received lots of weird crap, but on the plus side I found out that my Buttberry is able to display spam in Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Today was my co-worker’s open house, and I never know what to bring. So last year I figured I should buy some flowers and this year I did the same. There are pluses to this. One is, I like flowers. Two is, I let the women at the local florists pick them out and they’re usually kind of cute. Third is, flowers are transitory and no one feels guilty about throwing them out if they don’t like them. It’s an all-around win.

I told my high school counselor that I might want be a florist or cut hair and she told me to shut the hell up and finish my applications to MIT and Caltech. It’s probably all for the best.