My cousin’s kid graduated from T.I.T.

It’s kind of a weird name for a school, but my cousin’s kid Kota graduated with his Masters Degree from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. My mom and my aunt can’t understand what he’s talking about most of the time, so they usually just call him the 宇宙人 or the outer-space alien. He said that if he’s an alien, then what about Hisashi? (me)


He’s got a job with Yahoo! Japan, which I think is owned by Sofbank and is probably safe from all the Yahoo! stuff going on in the US. But what do I know?

Well, I’ve almost been watching Lord of the Rings for 12 hours now. I should get some sleep but I can’t stop now.

My new plan.

I still have a cold. 12 hours sleep on Friday night, 10 hours sleep on Saturday night. The best part is that I don’t have to feel guilty about my lack of gumption (or vocabulary right now). All I did yesterday was watch the NCAA Men’s basketball tournament and then Constantine when it came on cable.

So I have a new plan: to get an Argentinian girlfriend. It will annoy my Peruvian friends and when she finds out I have Peruvian friends, she’ll be annoyed too.

I didn’t say it was a good plan.